Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Now See The Mess John Edwards Has Gotten Himself Into

While it wasn't meant to be offensive, John Edwards campaign is dashing to preempt online chatter that he suggested Israel is the greatest threat to world peace as of now. John Edwards, he of the John Kerry fame, should have known better. He should have answered a simple question that was tossed to him with simple wit, but feeling bigger than himself, the photogenic Edwards, when asked what was the greatest threat to world peace, instead of saying something like war, mumbled Israel. Today, he's feeling the heat and saying that the statement, first published in Variety-dot-com, was "erroneous", or atleast its representation was. According to his spokesman, Jonathan Prince, Edwards said "one of the greatest short-term threats to world peace is Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon". Whatever he said, Variety-dot-com isn't backing down from its earlier claim, and we continue to question John Edwards vision for Israel, and his comprehension of World Peace, we are seeking evidence from either position. It would be in Edwards long-term good if he releases a copy, in whatever mode, of the entire conversation. His was a position that no American Presidentail hopeful ought to take, as much is expected of him with regard to Israel. Much not in statements and half apologies and half clarification but a full apology. Now Edwards Says Israel NOT a Threat to World Peace

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