Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Obama Not Black Enough to Be President?
I'm wondering why many black politicians are abstracting the Barrack Obama
election bid with suggestions that he isn't black enough to be the President, and that Barrack doesn't represent their values or that Obama does not ideally subscribe to their race. They almost convince me, but then i examine both their premises and conclusions and realize a major flaw in judgement, and even a mere arrogance, ignorance or simply a profound sense of stupidity. For the record, i don't really care if they support Romney, Clinton or Edwards, all i care about is the utter arrogance they display while demeaning Mr. Obama.
This lost creed of candidates has had their fair try at the presidency and failed miserably, and now with Obama having a truly fair shot at the highest office, they fear that he will become the new order in the African-American society. Uhhh. Somebody needs to tell the Rev. Al Sharpton that Obama is the new African-American force and with him he brings an unprecedented force that's sure to catapult him even further than the Presidency: his legacy as a candidate who actually campaigned from a different springboard compared with the other black candiadates will forever leave a lasting impression on the American political arena. While most of the other black candiadates have been seeking not the Presidency but vague fame, Obama is actually sure to win the Presidency, and fame came to him without a beckoning.
Finally, someone needs to tell Rush Limbaugh or whatever his name is that Barrack Hussein is actually a Christian, a probably much more devout Christian than Rush himself. And hi, CNN, it's always a shame when you confuse Obama with Osama, you even look like fools when you strive to explain it as a Technical error....such errors aren't committed by people with brains. Anyone knows if Maureen Dowd smokes?