Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Tale of MItt Romney's Internal Memo Leak

Today, a Mitt Romney Presidential Strategy Memo obtained by the Boston Globe enlists a litany of pros and cons of a Romney candidature. It cast a subjective comparison between Romney and his chief competitors for the Republican National Nominations. It declares Romney as the future, banishes Arizona Senator John McCain as a forgotten past, and ridicules Giuliani as the present. What's so striking about the Memo isn't much on the perceived enemies or the mere brandings that clatter every space within the memo, but the utter implications it spells as the course the Mitt campaign is willing to take. And in Mitt Romney's campaign, we don't see a "strong leader outside Washington" as the memo asserts, but a campaign all too much scheming to employ negative campaigns that have been the hallmark of many Washington politics and are being shun by contemporary politicians. The 77-Slide memo lists his subscription to the Mormon faith as one issue he should be wide alert when addressing...underscoring the profound role religion might play in national politics. It might eventually come to pass that Mitt Romney will loose a lot of Christian conservative votes due to his Mormon faith....but for all intents and purposes, they should not give the faith much attention as they seem to. Mr. Romney might as well lose a substantial Mormon vote from hid religion's adherents who might perceive him as being so much ashamed of his faith that he feels uneasy to discuss it as a pro. Through out the memo, we see a campaign team bent all to much on petty issues like much hair and ignoring the most important issues that are currently facing our nation. And before i forget, hair politics is always a politics of a failure. Remember the John Kerry and John Edwards campaign based on salon matters, remember how it failed even to Mr. Bush. That's the fundamental devastating effects of petty politics when the nation is embroiled in a controversial war in Iraq. Romney should have know this before boasting about his hair. His team should have highlighted strategies that they needed to employ to help bring our troops home jubilantly. But they began to discuss laundry issues as if Romney is asking America out for a date. We don't care how ugly he looks, all we care about is a leader who can deliver on important pivotal issues now facing our nation. Mr. Romney just lost a vote. Actually, now that i think about it, Mr. Romney might have lost lots of votes to a campaign whose strategy is sketched over 77-slides....yeah 77 slides! They are just a bunch of losers. I mean 77 slides is way too many slides to declare their campaign strategy. Well, in the number of slides, we can now understand why Romney might as well be running a failing campaign. And, finally, who leaked the memo and why? In have a great deal of suspicion that it was an inside job or, should i say, a campaign strategy meant to prop Mitt within the national news and improve his popularity!

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