Monday, February 26, 2007

Al Gore Was Set To Announce his Presidential Bid In Last Night's Oscars

Former Bill Clinton's Vice-President and now politician-environmentalist Al Gore was last night yanked from the stage before he could finish announcing his intentions for the 2008 Presidentail elections. Widely expected by many to run, Al Gore has consistenly denied of any Presidential plans after he lost the Florida vote to now President Bush. Last night, at the Oscars where Gore was nominated for and won an Oscar, Mr. Al Gore was asked by actor Leonardo DiCaprio if he had any major announcement for the world to which he said "Even though I honestly had not planned on doing this, I guess with a billion people watching, it's as good as time as any. So, my fellow Americans, I'm going to take this opportunity right here and now to formally announce my intention...". It was then that Mr. Al Gore was interupted by the Oscars' orchestra tune signalling the expiry of his sloted time to address the audience. And with the tune, Gore's presidential message to the audience was lost, and the mystery cloud over his Presidential ambitions darkened. Were Gore to seek the demogratic nomination, he's viewed by many to profoundly tilt the current political balance and change the country's political equation. He would flirt the Clinton camp and, by virtue of his fame and hollywood support, limit the influence and funds of Hollywood elite towards other democratic candidates. Read a complete AP article at the LINK below; Gore's Moment Lost

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