Monday, February 26, 2007
RICE: Race...a Factor in Our Country
US Secrerary of State on Sunday said that she thought race and racial stereotypes were still factors in this racially diverse country but added that she sees a near future where such vices where won't be a barrier to the Presidency. Noting that this country has come a long way in the test of tolerance, Ms. Rice said that she thought "... we've come a long way in overcoming stereotypes, role stereotypes about African-Americans. I will say race is still a factor. When a person walks into a room, I still think people still see race,".
When asked about her overall overview of US Senator Barack Obama, the US State Secretary said she thinks he's a very appealing and exraordinary person, noting that the IL. Senator serves on her committee (Foreign Relations Committee) and they have time and again had healthy exchanges at her capitol Hill appearances.
While explaining the level of tolerance in the American society, Ms. Rice pointed out that if she stays in her current position as Secretary of State, the US will not have had a male white US Secratary of State for 12 years, which she hailed as a proof of how far this counry has come to value and honor diversity.
She however declined to say whether Obama had enough experience, especially in foreign policy, to be this nation's President...only saying that that will be a choice made by voters. Ms. Rice appeared on the Fox News Sunday show.