Friday, February 23, 2007

Democrat Tom Vilsack Drops His Bid for The Presidency

Former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack, will today confirm that he is abandoning his Democratic Presidential bid for the Whitehouse...this according to a fellow close to his team who wanted not to be identified by name. Mr. Vilsack was one of the first Democratic candidates to make his aspirations for the Democratic ticket known way back in November last year. However, enveloped by more popular candidates within the Democratic party like Hillary R. Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, Mr. Vilsack's campaign has lost a lot of popularity even though his issues have had resonance with most in the American voting bloc. He has actively championed for an end to overdependence on foreign oil and chiefly campaigned for greater research and eventual use of ethanol, windpower and biodisel as opposed to petroleum products. Indeed, he at first centered his campign on a departure from foreign oil dependence once saying that ''Energy security will revitalize rural America, re-establish our moral leadership on global warming and climate security, and eliminate our addiction to foreign oil,. As Iowa Gorvernor, Mr. Vilsack was seen as a moderate balancing his State's balance without ever raising taxes. Mr. Vilsack also ardently called for immediate troop withdrawal form Iraq and vehemently urged Congress to cut funds to stop the troop escalation. It was the nature of the campaign, the personalities involved and the popularity of the other candidates that made Mr. Vilsack to bow down on this very day when he was expected to kick-off his presidentail campaign....or so it seems. He seems to have been clouded by the other top three democratic candidates so much that his voice was not heard. However, were this a traditional campign based on real issues other that the gender, race and religion triangle, Mr. Vilsack might have hung on. But this Democratic campign isn't, it has so much departed from the traditional fold and now toggles between gender and race. It's the change of the times.

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