Friday, February 23, 2007

Obama Calls For an End to "Tit-for-Tat" Politics

Fresh from a harsh confrontation with the Clinton camp over Dreamworks co-founder David Geffen's skirmishes with the Clintons, the Obama campaign was late Thursday night reaching out to mend fences. Rallying under the springboard of the positive campaigning he promised to give to the nation, Obama called for an end to "tit-for-tat" politics which he said had brought our great nation to a standstill. While speaking to approximately 300 people gathered at the Communication Workers of America union hall in Houston, the Junior IL. Senator decried the country's leaders inability to build a consensus and rally a common course on important issues. He cited problems in Iraq, alongside a horde of domestic issues like health care, education and energy as high priority issues needing a quick mend. Obama is expected to address a massive outdoor rally, of about 10,000--according to his campaign officials, in Austin, Texas today (Friday). Before heading to Houston yesterday, Senator Obama made a quick fundraiser stop in St. Louis, Mo. While Obama's call for an end to "tit-for-tat" politics came in the backdrop of an heated democratic nomination campaign that saw both his camp and that of his chief competitor (New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton) trading unprecedented hostile political jabs, Obama didn't make any reference whatsoever to his dissatisfaction with key Clinton supporters. See also: Obama Decries "Tit-for-Tat" politics

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