Monday, February 26, 2007
Forget The Presidency, Who's Mitt Romney?
Conservative Christian Evangelicals are in a very tight spot. They are in a dilemma. They don't know what candidate to thrust their force in the run-up to the republican presidential nominations. There are those of deep faith and values, like Kansas senator Sam Brownsback, but are so much lacking in popularity that they would almost certainly lose to any popular democratic candidate. Then on the other hand they have the likes of Rudy Giuliani whose popularity would give the democrats some heat but whose subscription to the christian faith and doctrines remains a big question mark. Then there's John McCain who, for all intents and purposes, looks fake.
Now, to add to the conundrum, there's Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts Governor and a committed subscriber to the church of the later day saints a.k.a the Mormons. While for a moment it seemed that Mitt's religion was the only thing alienating him from the votes of the Christian right, a new, and potentially more delabitating blow to the Mitt campaign has surfaced. And as it always turns out in politics, it doesn't have so much to do with him as it does with where he is coming from. Politics is a dirty game in which mere remote affiliations can be overstretched to bring down a candidate.
Now, it turns out, Mitt Romney isn't about to quit the Mormon church anytime soon. Virtually most of his known ancestors have been Mormons. Mormons who have not always adhered to their religions teaching. According to an article published in the AP today, Mitt's great-grandfather had 12 wives. Yes, twelve "wives"! I don't know whether its even politically right to call them 'wives' in this age. His grandfather won himself five. So, how does a man live with 12 or 5 wives in the United States when the laws of the land and his religion forbid. Move to Mexico and enjoy. That's what this fellow did. Now, in this age, his grandson has come asking for votes from the US populace for the presidency. Should we listen? Shouldn't he first state his position of polygamy and condemn his ancestors misdeeds? Should chrisitan evangelicals ever listen to him and if they do what are the ramifications of their support on the faith they preach and their vision for the future? Can a Mormon make it to the Presidency? Can a Mormon be a US President?
Romney's Past Family