Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hillary's Day In Hollywood Comes All Too Soon
Today, New York Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is set to hold a series of fundraisers for her Democratic Presidential Nomination in Los Angeles. Although, according to, the Clinton campaign didn't respond to an email enquiring of the LA visit, it wasn't a surprise since the Clinton campaign has made it a virtual policy not to discuss any of her upcoming fundraiser plans.
Today's event will see Clinton attend a reception with a hollywood billionaire, then have a brunch in the home of a billionaire movie mogul, then have a series of other minglings with some of hollywood's elite before a dinner with a profoundly targeted Iranian-American community at the home of Nina Ansary and Ali Saffari. Why the Clinton camp planned to highlight the Iranian community in her LA visit as oppossed to the horde of other comunities remains to be seen. Yet one can't help but wonder whether she is planning on courting big oil. It all remains to be seen.
Clinton's visit comes just a day after her campaign traded personnaly heated jabs with Obama's team over Obama's political affiliations with a movie mogul who made it his business to criticize the Clintons and deflate her presidentail campign aspirations. It will be interesting to see what Clinton will bring home today.
Hillary Set To Visit Los Angeles