Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hillary's Nixon Side
No one should ever dare criticize Hillary Clinton or her husband, former President Bill, for Hillary got the boys to take care of whoever does. It's even worse when her political opponents criticize her for she responds with an ultimately personal wrath while all the while looking innocent as a dove. John Edwards learned this back in 2001 when he blushly, without any specificity to Hillary Clinton or her surrogates, suggested that silence on the Iraq war was tantamount to "betrayal". Without much comment on the substance of the John Edwards remark, Hillary sent his boys on an errand, and Howard Wolfson dutifully fired at Edwards for employing a negative campaign tactic.
Then he wrote: “In 2004, John Edwards used to constantly brag about running a positive campaign. Today, he has unfortunately chosen to operate his campaign with political attacks on Democrats who are fighting the Bush administration’s Iraq policy.”
And yesterday, while attacking Barack Obama instead of David Geffen, the Clinton campaign in part wrote: "While Senator Obama was denouncing slash and burn politics yesterday, his campaign's finance chair was viciously and personally attacking Senator Clinton and her husband. If Senator Obama is indeed sincere about his repeated claims to change the tone of our politics, he should immediately denounce these remarks, remove Mr. Geffen from his campaign and return his money. While Democrats should engage in a vigorous debate on the issues, there is no place in our party or our politics for the kind of personal insults made by Senator Obama's principal fundraiser."
For a moment, it seemed like the Clinton campaign just "cut and paste" their Obama response from a copy of that they unleashed on to John Edwards. They first pointed out that their predators had acclaimed their honor for positive campaigns then embarked on a new breed of destructive politics. It was all too familiar, even a fool wouldn't have missed the similarity. And that's the Clinton trademark, no one dares question her moves lest she lets the dogs out, and visious dogs are they. She is the imperial leader of both the Right and the Left. Indeed, she seems to have borrowed a leaf from Richard Nixon and she won't let go.