Thursday, February 22, 2007

Barack's Real Color

Many people are surprised that when Barack Obama rose to the limelight in national politics, lots of questions where raised among prominent black politicians about his being black enough or NOT black enough. Lots of black skeptics said that he, by virtue of his heritage, doesn't share in the experiences of the 'ideal' African Americans. They essentially said that Obama, black as he might be, isn't one of them. They ideally disowned him. It was regrattable..almost irreprehensible. It was ironic that this are the same leaders who advocate for black equality and urge blacks to assimilate in the maistream politics yet when one of their own gets a real aim at the presidency, they back off. They not only declare their support for white candidates, but they also drain his candidancy by framing him as a spoiler whose win in 2008 will doom the entire Democratic party. What's more astonishing than their dire opposition of Onbama's candidancy is the utter hate and vehemence they exhibit. Why the hate, why the envy, why..why..why? If Obama isn't black enough as they say...presumably because of his white Kansas mother, then atleast he is close to being black enough and they have to learn to live with that basic understanding...or is it hard for them to comprehend. Once again, we are seen petty issues of race shape the black political charade. And once again, we question the relevance of these black leaders in shaping our views of our candidates. We urge them to shun divisive politics of race and embrace issue driven politics. It's time these skeptical black leaders understand that we live in a multi-cultural America and shun divisive politics. It's time blacks join a whooping majority of whites and other races to support one of their own, to support a black President. We can't believe they are missing the signs, we can't believe we have to urge them to support one of their own. Well, it's the America we live in...and we guess we better contend with it. May Obama Win!

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