Thursday, February 22, 2007

Republican National Committee Gives DNC an Early Edge In Funds

The Democrats might have overwhelmingly won the House of Representatives and gained a slight majority in the Senate but they are no close to winning the cash game. For lots of years, the Republican National Committee has been leading in campign funds but after the Democratic win in 2006, the equation seemed to have been changed. Well, not quite. According to reports filed to the Federal Election Commission, the Republican National Committee (RNC) in January (2007) raised $10.5 million compared to the $5.7 million amassed by their Democratic counterparts. Again, within the 2007-2006 cycle, it seems the question is not if the RNC is gonna raise much funds than DNC but by how big of a margin. But in the end, as the 2006 elections proved, money isn't as important as the issues. Indeed money is nothing in the face of issues. A complete breakdown and analysis of the report can be found in the link below: RNC beats DNC in funds drive

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